St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church

Home to the broken in body, soul, or spirit

Come Worship With Us!

Our vision is to be a home where the broken in body, soul, or spirit are made whole in Christ!

Sundays — 10:30 a.m. CST
Wednesdays — 10:30 a.m. CST

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Episcopal Church?

The Episcopal Church is a “member of the Anglican Communion,” meaning it is closely aligned with the practices and teachings of the Church of England (aka the Anglican church).

For practical purposes, think of the Episcopal Church as being a halfway point or a middle way between the Catholic Church and Mainline Protestant churches.

What are your services like?

We are a liturgical church, meaning there is a specific order of service that is followed. We observe a more High Church service following Rite Two, Track One of the Episcopal Lectionary Calendar.

We use two primary books during our services: a blue Hymnal and a red Book of Common Prayer. In the image above you can see when those books are used throughout service. The uses of the Hymnal are marked in blue on the left, and the uses of the Book of Common Prayer are marked in red on the right.

Can I take communion at your church?

Yes! All baptized Christians, regardless of if they’re Episcopalian or not, are welcome to take communion with us. We partake communion in two ways: the common cup and intinction.

The first way we offer communion is in sharing the common cup. Believers are invited to partake of the host/bread after which one of our lay leaders brings a chalice of wine for each person to sip from. The chalice is wiped down between each person using it.

The second way we offer communion is via intinction. For those who perhaps aren’t as comfortable with sharing the common cup or simply prefer a different method, when the host/bread is distributed, the believer is invited to hold onto it until the common cup is presented to them. Once the cup is presented, the believer is then able to dip the host/bread into the wine and then partake of the intincted host.

Do you offer childcare during service?

Presently, we don’t have a children’s service, though we do have an unstaffed nursery for parents to make use of.

Are you ADA accessible?

Yes! We have a lift that allows access to our sanctuary, the ground level entrance, and our basement to those with mobility issues.

What people are saying about
St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church:

“Friendly caring people. Wonderful church services.”

— Geoffrey S.

“A beautiful church full of wonderful, amazing people.”

— Barry R.

“I came from a very different faith background, and I was met with warmth and love. The people of St. John the Baptist are genuine and caring.”

— Allen B.